Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Just a bit of Fun! Projek Kalsom Documentary Pilot for DIGI video of the year award

Main Website: Projek Kalsom

Imagine, if the concept of mentor-mentee in Projek Kalsom is applied nationwide and not just during Projek Kalsom. This mentor-mentee relationship is encouraged between facilitators and student participants during Projek Kalsom, and continues to develop into a further meaningful and informal relationship between two persons for life. If this idea can be fostered among every member of the society, many more students who are not able to attend Projek Kalsom, can benefit from such elegant, informal, information sharing with the purpose of inspiring each party into beneficial members of the society.

The documentary hopes to encourage Malaysians to have a mentor-mentee relationship whether they have been to Projek Kalsom or not. Taking inspiration from Sir Ken Robinson, he identified specific attributes of a mentor which includes:

1) Recognition - a mentor help recognizes the spark of interest or delight and can help an individual drill down to the specific components of discipline that match that individual's capacity and passion.

2) Encouragement – a mentor lead us to believe that we can achieve something that seemed improbable or impossible to us before we met them.

3) Facilitating – a mentor offer us advice and techniques, paving the way for us, and even allowing us to falter a bit while standing by to help us recover and learn from our mistakes.

4) Stretching – a mentor pushes us past what we see as our limits.

Please help us promote this idea and help Malaysia to produce a mentor-mentee community. It is also hope that through this documentary, the efforts put in by the Committee of Projek Kalsom 17, to bridge the gaps in educational, scholarship and career opportunities will receive more support nationwide.

Start with sharing this documentary by VOTING for DiGi 'Video of the Year Award.' - DIGI AWARD LINK

Quality viewing website (After Voting) -

Thank you. May Malaysia prosper along with all its citizen.

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