Saturday 24 April 2010

Pretty Teacups!

Spring is here! (Like Finally!) and what better time for lovely afternoon tea in the sunshine and under the cherry blossoms. From online store Wysteria Lane! They are giving readers of Domestic Sluttery £10 off so I'm planning to get two as they're £9.99 each. Am now in search of the perfect tea pot to go with it :) Tea in pretty tea cups in the spring.....while I'm slogging through a year's worth of lecture notes. Hopefully these will make things less depressing.

Am also thinking of getting Alessi heart-shaped spoons. Super cute with the teacups! But i keep chanting my mantra - iamastudentanddonotneedanyofthesethings iamastudentanddonotneedanyofthesethings iamastudentanddonotneedanyofthesethings iamastudentanddonotneedanyofthesethings

Just found a range of Kylie Home bed linen called Malay. Check it out!

nothing Malay about it though. makes you wonder who came up with the name.

Was on the tube the other day and I saw a poster for the movie 'The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo'. Ok i know i'm being super judgmental and maybe I'll be punished by really liking the movie if I ever catch it but it is such a silly title which says a lot and yet says nothing about the movie. If movies were titled along the same lines we would have 'The man with the bat -suit'. I don't suppose Dragon Girl would make a more appealing title. Must be hard thinking of titles for superhero movies.

Aisyah kindly brought us to see Efterklang at the O2 empire on wednesday. I think we were very lucky that the band managed to fly in at all. Had a lovely time. the band was very inspiring especially the drummer! Who was sometimes the trumpeter and sometimes a vocalist. Super multitasking! I really enjoyed the atmosphere when they all sang together. Such energy!

Going to the Enchanted Palace exhibit tomorrow! 
Kensington Palace + Princesses+Vivienne Westwood= EPIC AWESOMENESS

Cannot wait!  i hope they allow cameras :S


  1. The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo is not a super-hero movie lol. It's the first part of the Millenium Trilogy, a collection of books written by late Swedish journalist Stieg Larsson and now adapted to the big screen. It's quite a good read actually and the movie is suppose to be quite good. I have the books if you want to take a look lol :P

  2. 1. OMG i bought those teacups for my friend kat last yr as part of her 21st gift. they come from a place called T2 that do amazing teas

    2. i want 'malay' sheets like that. do they have 'chinese' ones? i spent all bloody afternoon ironing my own sheets. times like this i wish i was home. except our maid ran away!!! (super sadface cuz she was our nanny and everything. long story i'll tell you at some future skype date)

    3. i am so jealous! i want to go to a vivienne westwood exhibit! take lots and lots of pics.

    4. i am such a skank. this you'll want to hear.

